Virginia Career Cluster Highlights (2018-2028)

green beans

Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources

Analyzing Education, Employment, and Earnings Data

By 2028, the number of jobs in this cluster is expected to grow by 4% in Virginia. The Animal Systems pathway is projected to expand by a greater percentage (33%) than any other pathway in Virginia, with two veterinary occupations in that pathway among the top five fastest-growing occupations in the state. Review the highlights.

Woman architect/builder

Architecture and Construction

Analyzing Education, Employment, and Earnings Data

The 9% job expansion projected for the Architecture and Construction cluster is greater than the 7% average job growth projected for all occupations in Virginia. Approximately 34,300 new jobs are projected to be created within the cluster by 2028, and about 47,600 job openings are expected throughout Virginia annually. Review the highlights.

graphic design

Arts, A/V Technology and Communications

Analyzing Education, Employment, and Earnings Data

The overall job growth rate for this cluster is expected to be 2% through 2028. Choreographers in the Performing Arts pathway have one of the five highest-paying occupations among those having a predominant education level of high school diploma, with a Virginia 2018 median annual wage of $61,167. Review the highlights.

Business Management and Administration

Analyzing Education, Employment, and Earnings Data

The Business Management and Administration cluster is expected to experience 4% job growth from 2018 to 2028. There were 591,821 jobs classified in this cluster in 2018, making it the largest in Virginia. Over 21,200 new jobs are projected to be created within this cluster in Virginia by 2028.  Review the highlights.

African-American grade school student

Education and Training

Analyzing Education, Employment, and Earnings Data

By 2028, the number of jobs in this cluster is expected to increase by about 5% in Virginia. The pathway in this cluster with the strongest job growth forecast through 2028 is Professional Support Services, with Interpreters and Translators in that pathway expected to see an especially strong percentage of job growth in Virginia (18%). Review the highlights.


Analyzing Education, Employment, and Earnings Data

Virginia’s newest career cluster is also its smallest. There were about 12,400 jobs classified in the Energy cluster in 2018. By 2028, the number of jobs in this cluster is expected to increase by 4%. Of the four pathways in this cluster, the Energy Transmission, Distribution, and Storage pathway is expected to see the highest rate of job growth (8%) through 2028.

money on a scale


Analyzing Education, Employment, and Earnings Data

The Finance cluster is projected to expand 6% by 2028. Although the Accounting pathway is projected to have the lowest rate of job growth (3%) of all the pathways within the Finance cluster, it is also the largest pathway and is expected to offer the most annual job openings (11,111) between 2018 and 2028 of any pathway in the cluster. Review the highlights.

Government and Public Administration

Analyzing Education, Employment, and Earnings Data

The Government and Public Administration cluster is expected to grow by 6% from 2018 to 2028. Among all occupations in this cluster, Urban and Regional Planners are projected to experience the highest percentage of job growth (11%), with more than 150 new jobs in this field anticipated throughout Virginia by 2028. Review the highlights.

Young female nurse giving medicine from a bottle to a senior woman patient smiling

Health Science

Analyzing Education, Employment, and Earnings Data

The 15% job growth projected for the Health Science cluster from 2018 to 2028 is more than double the 7% average growth expected for all occupations in Virginia. All five pathways in the cluster are anticipating higher-than-average growth. Nearly half (48%) of Virginia’s 50 fastest-growing occupations are in the Health Science cluster. Review the highlights.


Hospitality and Tourism

Analyzing Education, Employment, and Earnings Data

The expected job growth rate for the Hospitality and Tourism career cluster in Virginia is 10% by 2028. The Restaurants and Food/Beverage Services pathway is the second largest career pathway in Virginia, consisting of an estimated 343,327 jobs in 2018 and accounting for about 84% of all jobs in the Hospitality and Tourism cluster. Review the highlights.

Woman with a child

Human Services

Analyzing Education, Employment, and Earnings Data

The 18% job growth projected for the Human Services cluster from 2018 to 2028 is the second highest among all career clusters in Virginia. The Personal Care Services pathway—the largest in the cluster—is expected to have the second-highest percentage of growth among all career pathways in Virginia, expanding by 24%. Review the highlights.

woman IT professional

Information Technology

Analyzing Education, Employment, and Earnings Data

The 19% job growth projected for the Information Technology cluster from 2018 to 2028 is the highest of all career clusters in Virginia. Information Security Analysts in the Network Systems pathway are projected to have the most job growth of any occupation in Virginia (45%), with more than 6,600 new jobs in this field expected by 2028. Review the highlights.

police hat

Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security

Analyzing Education, Employment, and Earnings Data

Slightly more than 149,000 jobs were classified in Virginia’s Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security cluster in 2018. Over 3,200 new jobs are projected within the cluster by 2028, an increase of approximately 2%, and about 13,800 new job openings are expected annually throughout Virginia. Review the highlights.

Automobile Industry


Analyzing Education, Employment, and Earnings Data

There were approximately 179,200 jobs classified in Virginia’s Manufacturing cluster in 2018. About 1,600 fewer jobs are projected to exist within the cluster by 2028, representing a decline of about 1%; however, approximately 19,400 job openings in the cluster throughout Virginia are expected to occur each year. Review the highlights.



Analyzing Education, Employment, and Earnings Data

The anticipated job growth rate for the Marketing cluster, the second largest in Virginia, is 1% by 2028. Professional Sales is the largest pathway in Virginia, and three pathways in the cluster will likely have higher-than-average growth rates through 2028— Marketing Management (8%), Marketing Communications (9%), and Marketing Research (22%). Review the highlights.

person doing math on a board


Analyzing Education, Employment, and Earnings Data

Between 2018 and 2028, the total number of jobs in the STEM cluster is projected to expand by 8%. All occupations in this cluster have a predominant education level higher than a high school diploma, and in 2018, all occupations in the cluster also had a median annual wage higher than the state median of $41,741. Review the highlights

semi on a highway

Transportation, Distribution and Logistics

Analyzing Education, Employment, and Earnings Data

In 2018, there were about 298,400 jobs in the Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics cluster. About 9,200 new jobs are projected to be created in the cluster by 2028, representing a 3% increase over the decade. Roughly 35,600 job openings in this cluster per year are expected throughout Virginia. Review the highlights.

Archived Career Cluster Highlights and CTE Trailblazers Newsletters


Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources

April 2019
Full Report

By 2026, employment in this cluster is anticipated to expand by 5% in Virginia. Nonfarm Animal Caretakers are projected to experience the highest rate of job growth through 2026 while Farmers, Ranchers, and Other Agricultural Managers are expected to see the greatest number of annual job openings. Read the report.

Architecture & Construction

August 2020
Full Report

The expected growth rate in the Architecture and Construction Career Cluster is 8% by 2026, which is slightly lower than the growth rate for the Commonwealth as a whole. Among all occupations in this cluster, Landscaping and Groundskeeping Workers are projected to have the greatest increase in the overall number of jobs. Read the report.

Arts, A/V Technology & Communications

June 2020
Full Report

The overall expected growth for this cluster is 5% by 2026, which is a lower-than-average growth rate. Three occupations will see a significant decline in the number of jobs available over the next decade: Prepress Technicians & Workers, Radio & Television Announcers, and Print Binding & Finishing Workers. Read the Read the report.

Business Management & Administration

June 2019
Full Report

The Business Management & Administration cluster is expected to experience 7% growth from 2016 to 2026; however, the Business Information Management, Human Resource Management, and Operation Management pathways are projected to have greater-than-average job growth over the next decade. Read the report.

Education & Training

May 2019
Full Report

The Education & Training cluster continues to have the fourth highest rate of job growth (13%) of all clusters, adding over 27,500 new jobs throughout the Commonwealth by 2026. The Teaching/Training pathway is the largest of all pathways in the Education & Training cluster, consisting of an estimated 176,670 positions in 2016. Read the report.


April 2020
Full Report

The expected growth in the Finance Cluster is 11% by 2026, which is slightly higher than the growth rate for the Commonwealth as a whole. However, Accounting, Business Finance, and Securities & Investments Pathways are projected to have greater-than-average job growth rates―14 percent, 19 percent, and 15 percent, respectively. Read the report.


July 2019
Full Report

The Government & Public Administration cluster is expected to experience 11% growth from 2016 to 2026, which is slightly higher than the state overall. Over half of the occupations in this cluster are projected to experience greater than 10 percent employment growth between 2016 and 2026. Read the report.

Health Science

November 2019
Full Report

The Health Science cluster is projected to have the second highest rate of job growth among all clusters in Virginia through 2026. Nearly 64,000 new jobs are expected in this cluster between 2016 and 2026 with the Therapeutic Services pathway seeing the greatest increase in the overall number of jobs and the greatest number of annual job openings. Read the report.

Hospitality & Tourism

September 2020
Full Report

The overall expected growth rate for the Hospitality and Tourism Career Cluster in Virginia is 12% by 2026. About 486,000 jobs were associated with this career cluster in 2016, and about 58,000 new positions are expected by 2026, making it the cluster with the greatest number of projected annual job openings between 2016-2026. Read the report.

Human Services

August 2019
Full Report

The Human Services Career Cluster is expected to grow by 27% by 2026 in Virginia, which is the highest projection of all the career clusters. It will add nearly 36,000 new jobs between 2016 and 2026. The Personal Care Services pathway is the largest pathway in the cluster, consisting of an estimated 109,823 positions in 2016. Read the report.

Information Technology

October 2019
Full Report

The Information Technology Cluster is projected to experience a 17% employment growth by 2026 – the third highest rate among all clusters. All four career pathways in IT are projected to grow by 12% or more by 2026, but the Programming and Software Development Pathway is anticipated to see the greatest increase in the overall number of jobs. Read the report.

Law, Public Safety, Corrections, & Security

May 2020
Full Report

In 2016, the Security and Protective Services pathway employed the greatest number of people within the Law, Public Safety, Corrections, & Security Career Cluster. However, the Emergency and Fire Management Services pathway is projected to experience the highest percentage of job growth of all pathways in this cluster through 2026. Read the report.


March 2020
Full Report

The overall expected growth rate for the Manufacturing Career Cluster is 1% by 2026, which is the lowest among all clusters in Virginia. However, despite this slow growth across the Commonwealth, some manufacturing occupations are projected to grow in Northern Virginia (8%) and Hampton Roads (5%). Read the report.


September 2019
Full Report

Marketing, the third largest cluster in Virginia, consisted of an estimated 461,000 positions in 2016. The anticipated growth rate for this cluster is 5% by 2026 with Market Research Analysts and Marketing Specialists experiencing the highest percentage job growth through 2026 at 27%. Most occupations require work experience or training/certification. Read the report.

Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM)

February 2020
Full Report

Between 2016 and 2026, the overall expected growth for the STEM cluster is 12%. Among the STEM occupations, Statisticians are projected to experience the highest growth rate at 43%, while Social Scientists and Related Workers, All Other, are expected to have the greatest number of annual job openings (610). Read the report.

Transportation, Distribution & Logistics

January 2020
Full Report

The Transportation, Distribution, & Logistics cluster is expected to experience 9% job growth from 2016 to 2026, which is slightly lower than the Commonwealth as a whole. However, the Sales and Services pathway is projected to have greater-than-average job growth over the next decade at 15%. Read the report.


Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources

September 2017
Full Report

Employment is expected to decline in this cluster as a whole, but growth is anticipated in four of the seven pathways: Animal Systems; Environmental Service Systems (which is projected to experience double-digit growth through 2024); Natural Resource Systems; and Power, Structural, & Technical Systems. Read the full report.

Architecture & Construction

May 2017
Full Report

In this cluster, the Construction pathway has the greatest number of employment opportunities (over 185,000) while the Design/Pre-Construction pathway draws people with more formal education – an associate degree or higher. The expected growth in this cluster is 9% over the next decade, about the same as for the Commonwealth as a whole. Read the full report.

Arts, A/V Technology & Communications

March 2017
Full Report

The overall expected growth for this cluster is 2% by 2024, which is a lower-than-average growth rate. Three occupations will see a significant decline in the number of jobs available over the next decade: Prepress Technicians and Workers, Desktop Publishers, and Radio and Television Announcers. Read the full report.

Business Management & Administration

April 2017
Full Report

The Business Management & Administration cluster is the largest of all career clusters, consisting of about 713,200 positions in 2014. The Administrative Support pathway, while experiencing only 5% growth from 2014 to 2024, will account for over 60 percent of all annual job openings in this cluster. Read the full report.

Education & Training

August 2017
Full Report

The Education & Training Cluster is expected to have the fourth highest percentage in job growth in Virginia among all clusters (13% by 2024). Interpreters and Translators are expected to have the highest percentage of job growth while Elementary School teachers are projected to have the greatest increase in positions by 2024. Read the full report.


March 2017
Full Report

The Securities & Investments pathway is projected to see the highest growth rate in the years until 2024 at 22%, while the Accounting pathway is expected to add the most jobs — over 6,000 by 2024. Overall, the expected growth in the Finance Cluster is 9% by 2024, which is about the same as for the Commonwealth as a whole. Read the full report.


November 2017
Full Report

The Government & Public Administration cluster is expected to experience 9% growth from 2014 to 2024; however, the Planning and Public Management and Administration pathways are both projected to have greater-than-average job growth over the next decade—13 percent and 11 percent, respectively. Read the full report.

Health Science

January 2017
Full Report

The Health Science cluster continues to have the highest rate of job growth of all clusters in Virginia. It employed approximately 294,000 Virginia workers in 2014, and is expected to employ nearly 63,000 more by 2024. The Therapeutic Services pathway is expected to see the greatest number of job openings in the years until 2024. Read the full report.full report.

Hospitality & Tourism

May 2017
Full Report

The Hospitality & Tourism Cluster is expected to experience a 10% employment growth by 2024 and will have the greatest number of job openings annually – 20,000+ throughout Virginia with over 78% (or over three fourths) of these openings occurring within the Restaurants & Food/Beverage Services pathway. Read the full report.

Human Services

January 2018
Full Report

The Human Services cluster continues to have the third highest rate of job growth (16%) of all clusters, adding over 28,000 new jobs throughout the Commonwealth by 2024. The Personal Care Services pathway is the largest of all pathways in the Human Services cluster, consisting of an estimated 102,471 positions in 2014. Read the full report.

Information Technology

January 2017
Full Report

With anticipated job growth rate of 17 percent by 2024, Information Technology is expected to have the second highest percentage of job growth in the Commonwealth among all clusters. The greatest number of new jobs are anticipated in three occupations: Web Developers, Information Security Analysts, and Computer Systems Analysts. Read the full report.

Law, Public Safety, Corrections, & Security

February 2017
Full Report

Anticipated job growth in this cluster is 11 percent by 2024 with nearly 229 new positions for Forensic Science Technicians and 1,404 new positions for Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics. However, Security & Protective Services is anticipated to see the greatest increase in overall number of jobs. Read the full report.


January 2017
Full Report

The Manufacturing cluster is comprised of four pathways that include positions available to individuals with a variety of education levels. Despite a job growth rate of only 1 percent over the decade, this cluster is projected to have about 7,000 job openings annually as a result of both job growth and net replacement of employees who leave their jobs. Read the full report.


January 2018
Full Report

Marketing is third largest of all the career clusters in the state, consisting of nearly 446,000 positions in 2014; however, this cluster is projected to have slightly below-average job growth (7%) through 2024 compared to the state’s overall projected job growth of 9 percent. The Professional Sales pathway employs the greatest number of people within the cluster. Read the full report.

Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM)

January 2017
Full Report

By 2024, the STEM cluster is anticipated to expand its employment in Virginia by 6 percent. Statisticians are projected to experience the highest rate of job growth in this cluster while Mechanical Engineers are expected to see the greatest number of annual job openings. Read the full report.

Transportation, Distribution & Logistics

January 2017
Full Report

This cluster is anticipated to experience a slightly below-average employment growth through 2024. In 2014, this cluster provided approximately 250,000 jobs in Virginia and about 16,500 more are expected by 2024. The Sales & Service pathway is projected to see the highest percentage job growth. Read the full report.


Architecture & Construction

February 2015
Full Report

In this cluster, Construction is the pathway with the highest number of employment opportunities while Design/Pre-Construction is drawing on the greatest educational experiences. The expected growth in this cluster is 18%, with 10,535 annual job openings expected between 2012 and 2022 due to growth and net replacements. Read the full report.

Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources

February 2015
Full Report

Employment is not expected to increase in this cluster as a whole, but growth is anticipated in pathways, such as Animal Systems and Natural Resource Systems. Engineering and technical occupations, including veterinary technicians and conservation scientists, are anticipated to see strong job growth. Read the full report.

Arts, A/V Technology & Communications

March 2015
Full Report

The overall expected growth for this cluster is 8% by 2022 with Technical Writing and Graphic Design experiencing the highest number of job openings. This Cluster Analysis highlights information important to each of the six pathways. Read the full report.

Business Management & Administration

March 2015
Full Report

In the Business Management & Administration Cluster, Administrative Support is expected to see the highest growth in sheer number of available jobs, and particularly strong job growth is anticipated for Meeting, Convention, and Event Planners. The overall expected growth in this cluster is 9% by 2022. Read the full report.

Education & Training

April 2015
Full Report

In the Education & Training Cluster, the overall expected growth by 2022 is 18% and exceeds the projected employment growth rate across the Commonwealth. Childcare workers, elementary school teachers, and teacher assistants are expected to have the greatest number of job opportunities, annually, through 2022. Read the full report.


April 2015
Full Report

The Securities & Investments pathway is projected to see the highest growth rate in the years until 2022, adding nearly 3000 new jobs while the Accounting pathway is projected to see the highest growth in sheer numbers of new jobs — nearly 7000 jobs by 2022. Overall, the expected growth in the Finance Cluster is 13% by 2022. Read the full report.


May 2015
Full Report

Employment growth is anticipated in most of the pathways in Government & Public Administration. Many occupations in this cluster, especially those in Governance, Planning and Revenue & Taxation pathways, require college degrees. Read the full report.

Health Science

May 2015
Full Report

The Health Science cluster is the fastest growing cluster in Virginia. It employed approximately 294,000 Virginia workers in 2012, and is expected to employ nearly 77,000 more in 2022. The Therapeutic Services pathway is expected to see the greatest number of job openings in the years until 2022. Read the full report.

Hospitality & Tourism

June 2015
Full Report

The Hospitality & Tourism Cluster is expected to grow by over 65,000 jobs between 2012 and 2022, with over 21,000 employment opportunities available annually. While the Travel and Tourism pathway is expected to grow in the coming years, there is likely to be a decrease in the demand for positions such as Travel Agents. Read the full report.

Human Services

June 2015
Full Report

The Human Services Cluster is expected to grow by over 40,000 jobs between the years 2012 and 2022, with over 7,000 employment opportunities available annually. With a projected growth rate of 25 percent by 2022, Human Services is one of the fastest-growing clusters in the Commonwealth. full report.

Information Technology

July 2015
Full Report

With anticipated job growth rate of 25 percent between 2012 and 2012, Information Technology is one of the fastest growing clusters in the Commonwealth. Among all pathways in the IT cluster, the greatest number of new jobs is anticipated in Programming and Software Development. full report.

Law, Public Safety, Corrections, & Security

July 2015
Full Report

Anticipated job growth in this cluster is 15 percent between 2012 and 2022 with nearly 50% more positions for Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics. In this cluster, Security & Protective Services is anticipated to have the highest number of jobs by 2022. full report.


August 2015
Full Report

The Manufacturing cluster is comprised of four pathways that include positions available to individuals with a variety of education levels. By 2022, this cluster is anticipated to include over 300,000 positions across Virginia with the Production pathway comprising the greatest number of positions—nearly 162,000. full report.


August 2015
Full Report

With nearly 470,000 positions anticipated by 2022, Marketing is one of the largest career clusters across the Commonwealth. Professional Sales is the largest pathway, but is anticipated to grow at the slowest rate while Market Research Analysts and Marketing Specialists are expected to be the fastest growing occupations in the cluster. full report.

Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM)

September 2015
Full Report

By 2022, this cluster is anticipated to include nearly 100,000 positions across Virginia, which is about a 12 percent growth rate over 2012 employment figures. Mechanical and Civil Engineering occupations are anticipated to have the highest employment numbers. full report.

Transportation, Distribution & Logistics

September 2015
Full Report

By 2022, this cluster is anticipated to include over 325,000 positions across the Commonwealth, which is a growth rate of about 9 percent over 2012 employment figures. Occupations likely to see fast growth during this time period include Logisticians and Automotive & Watercraft Service Attendants. full report.


Health Science

February 2014
Full Report | Highlights

Occupations within the Health Science Career Cluster currently make up nearly one in ten Virginia jobs. Students interested in becoming doctors, certified nursing assistants (CNAs), home health aides, Emergency Medicine Technicians (EMTs) ,health sciences researchers, or other health services professionals can anticipate a favorable job market in the coming years. Read more in the full report.

Architecture and Construction

April 2014
Full Report | Highlights

The pace of activity in architecture and construction in Virginia is picking up after the blows dealt by the recent recession. By 2020, construction is forecast to grow by about 24 percent over 2010 levels. As a result, more than three quarters of Virginia construction employers consider preparing the next generation of skilled construction workers a top legislative priority. Read more in the full report.

Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security

June 2014
Full Report | Highlights

The occupations in the Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security Career Cluster provide employment for about 4 percent of Virginians. By 2020, employment in this Career Cluster is expected to grow by 13 percent over 2010 levels. The highly skilled public service professionals making their careers in these fields are vital to our communities and to the future of the Commonwealth. Read more in the full report.

Science, Technology, Engineering & Math

July 2014
Full Report | Highlights

Virginia is a national leader in technology and innovation—by 2020 it is estimated that STEM will provide employment opportunities for over 100,000 Virginians. Beyond the many career choices in STEM, the technological competence and problem solving skills encouraged in this cluster will become increasingly important for today’s young job-seekers. Read more in the full report.

Information Technology

August 2014
Full Report | Highlights

Occupations in Information Technology—such as data modeling, geospatial analysis, software engineering, IT consulting, or technical support—make up nearly 5 percent of employment opportunities in Virginia. This brief reveals important statistics about IT employment and addresses ways to engage students in this growing and changing industry. Read more in the full report.


September 2014
Full Report | Highlights

Despite declines in recent decades, the United States remains a critical part of the U.S. economy as the second largest manufacturing sector in the world. The Commonwealth — in particular, the Virginia Beach region — plays an important national role in shipbuilding and repair and the New River Valley is home to the largest Volvo Truck assembly plant in the world. Read more in the full report.


How is Equality at Work Changing?

January 2013
Full Report

  • Equality at Work: New Census Bureau Data Shows How It’s Changing
  • How New Occupation Data Might Impact the Designation of Nontraditional Courses

America’s Manufacturing Revival

March 2013
Full Report

  • Recovery From High Unemployment Rates Is Slow But Real
  • America’s Manufacturing Revival
  • Manufacturing Is Looking For Workers With Technical Training and Certification

New Labor Market Data for Virginia

April 2013
Full Report

  • New Labor Market Data for Virginia
  • New Occupations Available in the Next Projections Series
  • Job Prospects in the Information Technology Cluster

What Can a Virginia Grad Expect to Earn?

May 2013
Full Report

  • How Much Do Virginia Graduates Earn
  • Occupational Unemployment Rates

Myths (and some truths) about Education & Jobs

September 2013
Full Report

  • In-demand Certifications
  • What’s New in Media Jobs
  • Some Myths About Education and Jobs (and a few truths)
  • What Happens After Graduation? High School Graduates, College, and the Labor Market


How the Recession Affected Virginia

January 2012
Full Report

  • Career Cluster Predictions: Employment Opportunities In 2018
  • How The Recession Affected Occupations In Virginia

Where Will the Jobs Be in 2020?

February 2012
Full Report

  • Where the Jobs Will Be in 2020
  • Workplace Readiness Skills for the Commonwealth

Employment and Career Cluster Projections 2010-220

March 2012
Full Report

  • Employment Projections 2010-2020
  • Why Care About Occupation Data
  • Career Cluster Employment Projections, 2010-2020
  • Employment Projections for Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources, 2010-2020
  • Employment Projections for Architecture and Construction, 2010-2020

Career Readiness should Be a Goal for All Students

August 2012
Full Report

  • Career Readiness — A Goal for All Students
  • Technology Changes Everything: Computers Really Are Taking Jobs

Workplace Readiness Skills Still a Priority

September 2012
Full Report

  • Jobs And Gender: How Are They Changing and What Does That Mean for CTE
  • Workplace Readiness Skills Still A Priority for Employers
  • Community College Certificate Programs: Are They Worth It?

Key Industries for Virginia

October 2012
Full Report

  • Key Industries for Virginia
  • Dual Enrollment Improves Outcomes for California CTE Students
  • CTE and Urban Students

The Changing Face of Virginia Agriculture

December 2012
Full Report

  • Meeting Nontraditional Enrollment Goals
  • The Changing Face of Virginia Agriculture
  • Virginia’s Growing Latino Student Population is Key to the Future of CTE


Praise for CTE’s Workplace Readiness Skills Initiative

January 2011
Full Report

  • Virginia Business Leaders Praise CTE’s Workplace Readiness Skills Initiative
  • Metro Area Occupational Employment and Wage Data

CTE: A Model for Education Reform

February 2011
Full Report

  • CTE: A Model For Education Reform
  • Reasons For Gender Segregation Are Complex

Employer Partners Are a Key to Job Success

March 2011
Full Report

  • Completer Follow-up Survey
  • Employer Partners: One Key To Job Success

Building And Sustaining Employer Partnerships

April 2011
Full Report

  • Follow-up Survey Update
  • Building And Sustaining Employer Partnerships
  • Students Grade Their Schools on Job Preparation

FIRST Robotics & TSA Bring Women To STEM

May 2011
Full Report

  • Seeking New Ideas for Attracting and Retaining Non-traditional Students
  • FIRST Robotics & TSA Bring Women To STEM

Gender Equality and CTE

June 2011
Full Report

  • Modeling Gender Equality And Serious Recruiting Increase Nontraditional Enrollment
  • What It Takes: Commitment to CTE and to Gender Equity
  • Modeling Gender Equality And Serious Recruiting Increase Enrollment

Summer Jobs Are Scarce for Today’s Teen

July 2011
Full Report

  • Workplace Readiness Skills: They’re Not Just For CTE Students
  • Modeling Gender Equality And Serious Recruiting Increase Enrollment
  • Summer Jobs No Longer An Option For Most Teens

Student Financial Woes Hurt Graduation Rates

August 2011
Full Report

  • How To Find Data When You Need It
  • How Much Is A Bachelor’s Degree Worth? It Depends On Your Major.
  • The Skills We Need Today
  • Business Taking A Hand In STEM
  • Student Financial Woes Hurt Graduation Rates. Dual Enrollment Can Help.

Recruiting Male Students to Health Programs

September 2011
Full Report

  • Marketing, Advertising, And Word-of-Mouth Recruit Males Students To Health Programs
  • Finding And Keeping Employer Partners
  • College Achievement Vs. Expectations

Consider Practical Nursing if Adding a New CTE Program

October 2011
Full Report

  • Employer Partners Help Open a New Program in Hanover
  • Adding A New Program? Consider Practical Nursing
  • Student Debt At Virginia’s Four-Year Colleges And Universities

How to Locate Employers in Your Community and How to Find Employment Data for CTE Program Applications

November 2011
Full Report

  • Why Invest in CTE and STEM in High School?
  • Planning a New CTE Program? Here’s how to find employment data for your application
  • Hispanics and African Americans Underrepresented in STEM Jobs
  • How to Locate Employers in Your Community

Local Success Stories: Attracting Non-traditional Students to Health Programs and STEM

December 2011
Full Report

  • Practical Nursing: Guys Can Do This Too
  • Agriscience in Carroll County Gives Women A Pathway to STEM Careers
  • Too Few College Students Reach Graduation
  • Yes Virginia — Another Great Data Source
  • Education Requirements for Career Clusters


State-Approved Nontraditional Programs

February 2010
Full Report

  • State-Approved Nontraditional Programs
  • Where The Nation’s Jobs, Are And Will Be

Green Jobs

March 2010
Full Report

  • Green Jobs Are For Women Too
  • New USDOE Announces New Education Grants

The Gender Pay Gap

September 2010
Full Report

  • The Gender Pay Gap
  • Which Courses/Programs Are Nontraditional

Gender Segregation at Work

October 2010
Full Report

  • Gender Segregation At Work
  • Women Earn Less; Job Choice Is Important
  • Which Undergraduate Degrees Earn The Most?

Women in STEM

November 2010
Full Report

  • Women In STEM: How Are They Doing?
  • Workplace Readiness Skills

Youth Unemployment

December 2010
Full Report

  • Looking For Best Practice In Virginia
  • Youth Unemployment


Career Camps

February 2009
Full Report

  • Camps Offer A Taste of the CTE Experience
  • Best Practice for Success: Virginia Camps
  • Career Camps: Introducing Students to Training Opportunities

Perkins Act Required Activities

March 2009
Full Report

  • Perkins Act Required Activities
  • Monster Garage: An Auto Technology Camp
  • Be Sure Your Student Completers are Reported Correctly

Virginia Regions: New Occupational Employment Projections

April 2009
Full Report

  • Entrepreneurship Challenge
  • Programs and Practices That Work, 2009 Award
  • New Occupational Employment Projections for Virginia Regions

Girls in Math and Science

May 2009
Full Report

  • Marketing introduces the community to the new advantages of CTE
  • Community Day and Car Show
  • Encouraging Girls in Math and Science

Career Fairs

August 2009
Full Report

  • Career Fairs
  • Teen Employment Is Falling Making CTE More Important Than Ever
  • Stereotypically, Science Is For Males

Green Jobs for the Future

September 2009
Full Report

  • Partnerships in Bedford County
  • Green Jobs for the Future
  • Student Surveys Increase Retention Rates

How Employment Is Expected to Change

October 2009
Full Report

  • Strategies for Increasing Nontraditional Enrollment & Completion: What the Research Shows
  • Career Clusters: How Employment Is Expected To Change

Shortage of Black Male Teachers

December 2009
Full Report

  • Commission on Youth Recommends Support
  • Good News from Congress
  • Shortage of Black Male Teachers


First Annual IGNITE Conference

February 2008
Full Report

  • First Annual IGNITE Conference
  • Increasing Enrollment for 2008-09

Increasing Nontraditional Enrollment – What the Research Shows

March 2008
Full Report

  • Strategies for Increasing Nontraditional Enrollment: What the Research Shows
  • Which CTE Courses Are Nontraditional?

Increasing Retention – What the Research Shows

April 2008
Full Report

  • Strategies for Increasing Retention: What the Research Shows
  • Featured Events
  • CTE Exchange Teams: An Idea Is Born

Seven Steps to a Business Partnership

August 2008
Full Report

  • Seven Steps to a Business Partnership
  • Keeping Up With Your Partners

Reducing Stereotype Threat in the Classroom

September 2008
Full Report

  • Helping Students Overcome Internal Barriers to Success.
  • Tips on Reducing Stereotype Threat in Your Classroom

Setting Up a Career Information Fair

November 2008
Full Report

  • Nontraditional Careers for Virginia Students
  • How to Set up a Career Information Fair

CTE Best Practices

December 2008
Full Report

  • Building Enrollment with CTE Best Practices
  • Best Practice for Success: Role Models
  • Live Wires: Introducing students to nontraditional role models